ROBERT C. DWELLY SCHOLARSHIP Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)!

Eligibility Criteria: Applicant does not presently hold the CIC designation; and Applicant intends to pursue a career in insurance; and Applicant has at least one year of experience in the insurance industry. Applicant is not an agency owner or principal, nor a son or daughter of such. Applicant is not an insurance company employee.

Scholarship Conditions: The scholarship recipient will be notified by phone or e-mail. The scholarship recipients will be formally recognized at the September meeting of the N.E.1752 Club. The scholarship will pay for the cost of one CIC session plus $100 in expenses. The scholarship recipient will be required to submit a completed course application to the Club Treasurer who will forward same to the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA) with appropriate payment. The scholarship must be used by December 31st of the year following its being awarded.

Download Application  

Please send all completed applications to NE1752Club@gmail.com

EDWARD B. CAULKINS SCHOLARSHIP Certified Insurance Service Representative (CISR)

Eligibility Criteria: Applicant does not presently hold the CISR designation; and Applicant intends to pursue a career in insurance; and Applicant has at least one year of experience in the insurance industry. Applicant is not an agency owner or principal, nor a son or daughter of such. Applicant is not an insurance company employee.

Scholarship Conditions: The scholarship recipient will be notified by phone or e-mail. The scholarship recipient will be formally recognized at the September meeting of the N.E.1752 Club. The scholarship will pay for the cost of one CISR session. The scholarship recipient will be required to submit a completed course application to the Club Treasurer who will forward same to the Massachusetts Association of Insurance Agents (MAIA) with appropriate payment. The scholarship must be used by December 31st of the year following its being awarded.

Download Application   

Please send all completed applications to NE1752Club@gmail.com

For more information about our Scholarship Program, please complete the form below and an associate will get in-touch with you.